SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I am going to repeat myself: This is whole new gamemode so I need time to read stuff.

I mean he still could have said that to gain town cred as scum but I would have called him out on it if he didnā€™t say it because Iā€™m pretty sure he knows the meme

Answer on your read on Solic?

You donā€™t need to remind of fireā€™s so mind your own business.

So your logic is scum! FK wouldnā€™t point out that its a meme, because based on Mathblades reasoning he is being townread? Am I right in that?

Can you say your read Solic?

Because I fundamentally disagree because I believe Firekitten would point out its a meme regardless of alignment.

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When did FK out it?

I said that I assumed FK knew it so if he didnā€™t say that I would have said he was scum.

First of all, itā€™s unusual thing to say that Solic didnā€™t read much of D1 posts despite thereā€™s only about +130 ish posts and he didnā€™t say a word .

Besides I donā€™t get why people are calling Solic out for calling some of the people NAI which thereā€™s none, Blizer must have mistaken for someone else calling ICI and Marcus NAI itā€™s certainly not Solic from his 39 posts.

Why did Mathblade mention that NAI thing.

Mathblade only understood the context after I explained it. Math is new to FoL in general.This is clearly FK trying to explain why he canā€™t vote. I believe FK does this as any alignment in this scenario.

Do you mind quoting it? Mathā€™s NAI thing?


Frost you do understand what NAI stands for right? Non-alignment indicative?

Because of how few posts there are it is expected that some people would be NAI.

However if the entire game is NAI it is a sign of not inspecting the game closely.

If the game was large and struggling to keep up that is one thing. But that few posts and 24 hours to read them

If we are generous that is 240 posts (for easy math) divided by 24 hours that is 10 posts an hour to read. An hour has 60 minutes

That is one post every 6 minutes. Like that should be doable on forum mafia

Basically stands for like low-activity etc etc.

I canā€™t point out exactly but someone on Solicā€™s wagon have to be scum.

You just said it was unusual for solic to say he didnā€™t read D1 then you defend him in the next post? Do you think Heā€™s scum or town.

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NAI is Not alignment indicative.

Activity levels are irrelevant to the acronym.

I was asking why he felt day one had no useful content.

Actually it means that the post made doesnā€™t make you townread or scumread them.

For now, I think heā€™s town and is getting pushed by potential scum from the vote count, not necessarily starting reptile scum.

One problem there Frost.

You see the way reptilians work means it is impossible for someone to have started as GD to now, today be scum. So if heā€™s being pushed by scum, they have to be scum from d1 start.