SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Approximately 60 hours are left in the day.

He knew it was contradicting itself, but he posted it anyway, which I doubt he would do as scum as that would put suspicion on him, there is also more I canā€™t explain rite now but Iā€™m leaning for him towards town

Marg usually does stuff like this

Itā€™s NAI

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I show thee ze true power of la goddess of RNG

I am an atheist. I believe in the power of mod.

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How dare thee!

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can we pls swaperoo to Ichybalus

Iā€™m a dyslexic atheist. I donā€™t believe in a Dog

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I didnā€™t say who voted up Solic is ā€˜convertedā€™ scum, yes I am at least aware about the eggs, I am talking about non-NK whoā€™s against town.

You voted me while I am offline, whatā€™s your excuse?

Uhmmm why exactly is there a rule about not hammering/voting when person is offline? If someone is from Australia and scumreads someone in the US? Like they could almost never vote each other

I guess Iā€™m just trying to be courteous to Solic. You all seem to insist I get my vote on him, and Iā€™m not too convinced on the motivation behind it. Lemme ISO him.

How was I supposed to know your offline?

Also slight OMGUS spotted

He did contradict himself

Then ask rather than make an arbitrary rule please :slight_smile:

Why is everyone insisting I vote him?

Thy reasoning for accusing Solic is verily shaky at best. Tā€™was no contradiction.

Because he contradicted himself

I donā€™t want to hammer him just yet though

Discussion time is needed

Perhaps some should familiarize themselves with the art of skim-reading.

Anyway Iā€™m pretty sure Frost is scum because this isnā€™t defence

Itā€™s a slight OMGUS