SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Count is non-NK with NK wincon, no I am talking about survivor types however…

He’s attracting little too much attention from voting Solic.

Aren’t they suppose to stay low?

Again I am getting ready for bed and don’t have my notes to look over the classes again. Let’s assume that Sarun is the count. What benefit would Sarun have from lying and trying to confirm someone’s alignment they didn’t know? Like ?

So it’s still likely they used the power and Ici would be town?

I think Sarun is either Shaman or Cleric but bit too aggressive for my taste

If he is Shaman he is scum. If he is Cleric his tone shouldn’t changed because he blessed Ici.

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You can look at the OP and PoE yourself.

Which I said I would tomorroe at lunch. It’s midnight for mod’s sake

Don’t use the mod’s name in vain

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In that case goodnight and I’ll expect your thoughts tomorrow.

As Cleric, that doesn’t confirm him for blessing Ici yet.

While Shaman can discover class types at the day

Good night

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Also sleep well, put down the phone or whatever you use.


Well I simply discount Cleric because a blessing isn’t “mechanical infomation that confirms Ici as Non-NK or GD”

Just immune for conversions but yeah, it has effects that help scum but at the same time, he can’t get framed

There is an NK called “The Collector” that can dayvig people based on their class, so I would heavily discourage discussion on what Sarun’s class could be rn


The Phoenix Wright thing isn’t in this game in my opinion then

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You read AAFM??

Common knowledge, but no I haven’t