SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I mentioned POTENTIAL scum

Except that the wagon was still at 3/9 despite already hours being passed. How the hell is this indication that there is scum on the wagon?

Wait so you mean you had clue if it had scum on it, who are these potential scum?

I am actually not. I am using my vote as a placeholder for his so the wagon he wanted to develop has the proper pressure to see where it is going.

Right now as King I feel I have a lot of power. The best way for imho a powerful person to act IRL is to not use said power until and unless it is absolutely necessary. Itā€™s much better to avoid tainting wagons and instead have them form naturally.

I do have my scumreads in Solic and leaning towards Frost

However itā€™s hard to tell entirely the scum picture when M&Ms are posting nothing but spam

Frost, do you personally think Solic is Town or Scum as an individual and not based on the people on his wagon?

Except that there were only five people who had suspicion on Solic. Neither Icibalus nor I can be a Reptilian/NK, while FK and Math are both high townreads from me, and Ici townread Blizer so I trust him.

But youā€™re not letting the trial happen naturally at all because youā€™re interfering. Youā€™re accusation splitting, and the worst part of it is that youā€™re following someone elseā€™s idea as a scapegoat.

I find no reason to believe Solic is scum and if I was part of Reptilian faction then I just let it slide and continue my role whether I am Matriach or new one.

@PoisonedSquid I did mention that I believe Solic is town -for now- since obviously lot of things will be changed in next nights when I may have changed opinion.

@Alice How exactly does that prove you or Ici not be Reptilian just because you used day ability?

It more looked like back tracking on his statement of there being scum on the wagon.

Who me?

Can you tell us why you think Soilc is Town as of right now?

Yeah, you said potential scum, which makes me think you are back tracking I replied to the wrong thing

I havenā€™t changed my topic if thatā€™s what you mean

Bullshit. This statement proves absolutely nothing.

Then explain why you townread Solic so badly? Is it a mechanics issue?

As I said before, I know that Ici is town and I wonā€™t out the reason why due to potential claim vigs.

How exactly am I accusation splitting? I am merely stating my opinions.

Secondly that last sentence makes no sense. I have not come to a decision on PoisonedSquid.

I am doing the opposite of interfering I am ensuring a level playing field in case I am wrong on Solic and can hear other wagons equally.

Find me a single investigative question you have asked?

Thatā€™s fine and all, just donā€™t say you know from Ici.

Who do you suspect then if you are Town reading solic?

Frost, answer the question on WHY you think Solic is Town?

I know Ici is town due to mechanics.

i wanted to white knight solic tbh but then i realized it would make me look scummy :<