SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

You realized the Ici vs Marcus thing wasn’t NAI so you didn’t know how to explain it so you contradicted yourself.

Methinks there are too many double negatives here

So if it was AI to you, then you’re saying Ici or Marcus is scum with me or what are you saying?

It could be TvT or a TvS

Don’t know but that could have happened

So why would I be afraid to comment on it? It wasn’t a contradiction, but even then I don’t know why you think that would make me scum.

Exactly and sorry I missed that.

It was in the previous post when you said all of day one was NAI.

I said most of day one and I meant that as in nothing pinged me enough to remember it into day 2 and immediately go after it.

@MathBlade Day 1 is in my opinion called Memes day, I won’t take it serious as well but since you mentioned…

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What is up with you and saying player is NK and not just Reptile

What are your thoughts on Squid?

It would enhance my image if I were to be correct more specifically than just saying evil, and looking good is everything

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Okay everyone that want to ISO Day 1 posts again, it’s from post 314 to post 441

Estimately 130 just as I have said

That’s your opinion.

That’s in my opinion when scum mess up the most.

I have caught scum before on post 10 of a game.

Just because YOU don’t see the value doesn’t mean there isn’t any

My thoughts are I don’t care right now. I have found a wolf and I am gonna lynch it. No one has given a reason Frost is town. Ici says that play is NAI and bad.

If you’re inconsistent and can’t explain why Wolf is town they are not town.

So you DID read it? Before you said you didn’t. Which is it?

And if nothing ever happens on d1 wouldn’t a fight be memorable?

Someone replaced out and a backup is needed. @Lightsin @Sketch if one of you wants the slot please PM me.

Only the last four posts you mention shows him considering that he’s changing his mind. However, the descent from massive accusation to realizing that he misunderstood is far too quick. There should have been some posts indicating that he’s thinking why his logic doesn’t make any sense. He doesn’t explain why he doesn’t suspect Sarun anymore

Yeah, so the resistance that you asked for is there, because prior to those four posts he was pushing it still. You don’t need a HE’S SCUM!, he’s scum!, nah I still think he’s scum, no guys he’s scum, maybe I’m wrong, but he’s still scum, actually maybe I’m wrong, yeah I’m wrong my bad to have natural progression to me.

Actually, you do need some sort of transition for your change of view cause otherwise it looks unnatural and out of place