SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

No push solic.

says the person who said they canā€™t read me

Content from Lightsin

@Lightsin Iā€™d like to lynch Solic because their opening is complete horse crap. Theyā€™ve said so themselves they werenā€™t really trying there. I have failed to see a consistent town motivation, this in itself is not an indication of scum, but because I see him failing to generate wagons I think he has a good chance of flipping scum.

Says the person who canā€™t give a reason why yourā€™re pushing Solic

What if I had a reason but just didnā€™t want to say it

Iā€™m not defending Solic.

I just think Celeste is bad

/vote Solic

Well, my mind is open.

Say it plz

Do you think solic is bad if so vote them. We arenā€™t voting Celeste and we need to put someone on trial.

I didnā€™t think you were defending Solic. I was answering your question.

Ok then

Thats for me to know and you not to know

Autistic Screeching

Fine then. If itā€™s something that happened before I joined, then idk

/Vote Solic

But that doesnā€™t mean weā€™re cool mate

Iā€™m watching u

I mean, to be fair, he tried reading me though I barely posted.

Which is kinda bs

Dont worry guys, Im here to /Vote Solic

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Frostwolf Sarun, Mthejoker, Mathblade 3/9
Margaret Solic 1/9
MathBlade Memesky 1/9
Memesky Marluxion 1/9
MtheJoker htm,bazingaboy 2/9
Solic Icibalus, Margaret, Marcus, PoisonedSquid, Lightsin, GamerPoke 6/9

/Vote Solic


Oh wait I canā€™t vote this is sad


Smirks at FK

@Alice @MathBlade @Marluxion @bazingaboy @Htm @Memesky vote Solic gogogo