SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

@psychoneirik How much time do we have until EOD?

As someone who is autistic not cool man.


Eh, Iā€™m also on the spectrum, Iā€™m used to it at this point


Used to it doesnā€™t make it right

/vote Solic

We have a chance to be an awesome site letā€™s do it

Be back in an hour or twi

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Frostwolf Mthejoker 1/9
Margaret Solic 1/9
MathBlade Memesky 1/9
Memesky Marluxion 1/9
MtheJoker htm,bazingaboy 2/9
Solic Icibalus, Margaret, Marcus, Sarun, PoisonedSquid, Lightsin, GamerPoke, Mathblade 8/9

I refuse to vote the honorable Solic unless the court offers up evidence indicating his foul deeds!

Solic is earnestly trying to appease the court while Joker laughs at us all from the shadows!

He could honestly be somehow his scum buddy whose defending him from the NK accusations

That is unlikely though seeing their interactions

I mean Scumlic is basically confirmed scum but shouldnā€™t we CFD onto someone else and let the GD killers deal with him?

Htm Sarun said ici canā€™t be scum.

Nvm then

Also vote solic, solic isnā€™t confirmed scum but heā€™s scummy so we vote them

I dont like the solic wagon
hammer him early and iā€™m going to deathtunnel you

@Solic claim, youā€™re at l1


Would we have time for another CFD :thinking:

Is anyone on rn?

According to this we have 9 hours left, itā€™s 1:00 am here.

I donā€™t think we have enough time for a CFD somewhere else.

/vote Solic

We donā€™t have the time imo


We can still discuss stuff when Solicā€™s on trial so it shouldnā€™t really matter as long as we donā€™t quick execute him.