SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Joker is happy to stick to the shadows, because this lynch won’t hurt him. I don’t like how he popped up, cast his vote and quickly went back on it when I gave him some resistance. That makes me think he’s NK, because scum are less survivalistic.

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Have you actually ISO’ed Squid or read my posts on her? Are you townreading her or not?

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Well according to you she is lock-scum. That much is clear

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I’ll take that as a no, so don’t call out my arguments as sarcastic BS if you haven’t actually read them.

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She’s null for me. I’d have to ISO her and see for myself.

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Remember how you got caught in a 2 man scumteam with PKR in Mountainous?
Don’t be so quick to dismiss this as a forced read. I think if you had a clear head you would’ve been a bit more explainy

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There is no conversion or any other scum in that game mode. It’s not the same thing. Only the Siren and her convertee would have that relation.

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Marl’s got a point here with your tunnels having a surprisingly high chance of landing on town.

Do you have a clear head?

That’s margspeak for I’m lurking btw


Why not HTM for saying “nobody hammer”
and then hammering

That’s just confirmation bias from him, because one time it hit him when he had a semi red check and was acting genuinely scummy.

Who would you want me to tunnel on then?

I didn’t want you to tunnel on anyone. I wanted you to tell me odds of Squid flipping scum

I’m townreading him, because he did an exact same thing he did to me in Triple Threat. Townreading someone for pointing out how “some towntell for Htm” wasn’t a towntell. He also has been very carefree and up front about how little effort he puts in.

You didn’t ask me that anywhere in that post, but 80/20. A lot of the day has been ruined with this suspicion on me and Frost.

I asked you whether you had a clear head with the intention of that as a follow up. You falsely assumed the follow up was a tunnel, but seeing as you asked…

Would you townread Joker if he said he put little effort into his games?

Oh yes. Tunnel one of these 3 heads

What about a Bazinga lynch
he’s flown under most of our radars

His posts are hard to read with all the flavour, but a quick ISO doesn’t show anything I don’t like. His pushes align mostly with my own, so I wouldn’t want a Bazinga lynch.

I sitll don’t understand you, but tunnel and push are nearly synonyms to me.

No, because that would be NAI.

He’s crumbed his role a fair amount. Do you think he’s a newer player to FM or a more experienced one?

You find that scum indicative of Htm…? I’d imagine he just got impatient. I’ll need something better for you to make me switch my read on Htm.