SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

2 hours.

Less than 2 hours.

oh nvm

Itā€™s just slightly under, no biggie (big deal)


/vote Joker I guess Iā€™m off to my festival now.

/vote Joker

/vote Joker

/vote Joker

/vote Joker

havenā€™t commented on this yet but YES, joker is very wolfy and we should up him

Hello there, MathBlade


/vote Joker

Oh well

/Vote Joker

@MathBlade your ability to put someone on trial would be valuable here honestly

so we can start getting in our executes

I think we almost have enough votes at this point, if not, wellā€¦ fik

Thereā€™s already 7 votes on Joker. Once we get him to trial itā€™s plurality at EoD right?

/vote joker

Including htm as last voter from Solicā€™s wagon last known.

Solic, Marcus, Squid, Frost, Ici, Marl, Light, Gamer

This from Jokerā€™s weagon.