SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I’ve already read all the class cards so my effort ends there

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Cmon dude seriously :confused: The game is a lot of fun with a lot of effort :slight_smile:

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I’m a leader not a reader what can I say

I have literally never lost as golden dragon this will be easy don’t worry


You’ve also never lost as a reptilian I bet.

I’m hillary’s body double so I actually have


And I’m a writer. Nice to meet you.

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/join let’s give this a spin

I actually spectate some games on other sites without information intentionally for two reasons

  1. In an emergency I can hop in
  2. I can improve my game skills without pressure of having to justify as I go.

But signed up as “Spectator” is pointless now.
If you’re interested in game, you will probably read up anyway in some point.

Same, also people here stopped giving spectators information after an incident a while back.

Also, by any chance are you the same MathBlade on MafiaScum?



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I take it then you are from MS as well Sarun?

Eh, not really. It’s just that I recognized your name from there.

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I dont see why yall give out your username on alternate forums, it only hurts your aminosity

Either way, it’d be interesting to play with a seasoned player like you.

Kinda hard not too. I probably make up 3/4ths of their posts

Is that an insult Sarun?