SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)

what does this mean

He has an unbreakable record of being executed by the masses when he was an unconvertible executioner.

It means he usual policy lynch target cuz he almost every time act scummy.

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Its execute now

Day 2 comes to a close!

As the battle rages on, Slayde interrogates his subordinate scout, the one who had leaked a false decoy to the Rigelian commander unit.
“You’re a Deliverance spy, aren’t you, you little twerp?”
“No, sir! I was only doing my duty! I saw swords-”

“Zip it, traitor.” said Slayde. “This army has no place for scum like you.”
With one fell sweep, Slayde pierced his lance through the scout, and the scout fell to the ground, dead.
“Soldiers of Rigel and Zofia! Retreat back to Zofia Castle! It appears the rebel line is too strong for us to pierce right now!” The troops mount their horses, and the lines fall back as the Deliverance stands in the field with wounded units of their own.
“Did we win, or-?” asks Gray.
“We’ll have to see,” said Alm. “Although I guess you live another day to fight, Gray.”
“And to flirt,” quips in Tobin. He twists his bow onto his back.
“Shut up, Tobin.”

Bazinga has been lynched! He was a…


We found the scout’s logs under a pool of his blood. They read…

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Night 2 begins! You all have 24 hours to submit night actions.


Also looking to replace @Taetae2015 who has repeatedly not responded to several prods. @Lightsin @Icibalus @Maximusprime, first one to message me gets his spot.

However, if Taetae does respond within 12 hours in his PM, he will keep his spot.

They can get it first if they want I just wanted to say I’m still down to backup if you need me


yo, sorry

NIGHT Time do not post

Message me if anything is needed

This topic was automatically opened after 19 hours.

Day 3 will begin in 1 hour.


Chancellor Desaix took up residence in the previous King’s bedchamber. And as the birds starting to sing, he woke up. The sun was shining, the Deliverance had been kept from advancing, things were going just fine.
“Chancellor Desaix? We have some problems, sir.” Slayde poked his head out from behind the door.
“What is it, Slayde?” Desaix rose up out of the bed. “Surely you have some great news for me today! Did we catch a Deliverance spy?”
“Well not exactly,” said Slayde. “I mean, we did, of course, sir, but there’s more to it than this spy.”

Mathblade has been killed! He was…


He left no logs on him, but a mark of death was found on his tunic.

Death Note


“Then tell me, Slayde.” Desaix. “Has Emperor Rudolf himself come to praise me of my victories?”
“No sir, it’s the fact that the Deliverance has surrounded us and is besieging the city.”
“Well that’s perfectly normal, and wait, WHAT?”
Desaix rushed to the balcony to find the Deliverance all around the city gates, with banners of green and white flying in the air.

“Today’s the day, men.” Alm stood upon a rock in front of Zofia’s gate. The soldiers watched him with anticipation. “Today’s the day, we take vengeance for the fallen royals of Zofia. We take back her symbol, and her pride!”
The men cheered and raised their weapons, their lances numbering in the hundreds. “Now, we march upon Zofia Castle!”
The cavaliers mounted their horses, and led the first charge down towards the city, their lances jutting out in front of them instead of in the air.

The Deliverance has chosen Lances as a decoy. You have 24 hours to choose a weapon for the Rigelians.

Day 3 Begins.

he was right about mathblade who he was most unsure about, maybe check out other ones?
btw why didnt deli kill tonight?
mathblade did choose lance so can we assume that other deliverance told him to do that (since he joined later and was back up) and most of deli members were on lance train to gain towncred?

Maybe the scum attacked but target got swapped so they attacked one of their own. Who was able to swap in us. (Since no scum would not swap the person they kill with their person) Or can be Berkut who killed And Our healers (Maybe you) Healed the attacked guy.

i think deliverance didnt kill today but NK killed deli member at least thats what most likely happened

Sarun and eevee are cleared IMO, right here it looks like he is trying to decide and he would have taken his teammate side much easier then this.

I think it was a blind guess, I wasn’t that suspicious of math and I have no idea how he even got to that conclusion.