/decide fate abstain
/overrule Decide Fate Abstain with Decide Fate Abstain
/Overrule the overrule of Decide Fate Abstain with Decide Fate Abstain
/decide fate become new king
/vote Celeste
We just can’t afford to ornolynch
Celeste has been abstained.
She’s still on trial though
What is sleeping? Can you eat it?
Well everyone, I’m a Mercenary that been bypassing FK’s immunity. L0l
I thought from the low amount of kills that I did something good but nope it was prince
when you get caught fake claiming
So Celeste claims mercenary after saying shes super important?
It’s not that I know they didn’t occupy me.
Then could you explain why you were trying to force a CFD onto swords? The reason I sheeped onto you was due to the fact that by claiming an important class I thought that your were soft-claiming an important Rigelian class such as Berkut, Nuibaba or Fernand.
Additionally, may I have both your N1 and N2 logs?
Claiming that they were super important makes me think the merc claim is fake.
I know it’s 100% fake.
I believe Firekitten here as pug does too.