SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)


Fate Voters Count
Execute Litten, Luxy, PKR, Taetae, Poke, Pug, Squid, Insanity, Cookies 9/10
Pardon 0/10

Shouldnt that be 10?


20 people alive.
1 on trial so only 19 can vote.
19+1=20/2=10 majority.


Don’t worry @GamerPoke it’s not 9/11

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Noz, bad Noz. Don’t train like that.
I hate quickhammers!!

Celeste has been hammered. Please stop talking.

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The Deliverance began to push through the Rigelian lines, sword and lance hacking their way through coats of mail. General Slayde ordered a tactical retreat to Desaix’s fortress, and the lines began to rush away from the gate of the city. A lone mercenary stood at the front, who did not know what to do with the sword she had been given. Her eyes became clouded with tears as the thundering horses of the Deliverance came closer and closer, until one lance impaled the young mercenary, and she fell dead at the gate of a city she only held loyalty to by coin.

Celeste has been lynched. She was a…


Night 3 begins. You have 24 hours to submit night actions. @Htm will be replaced in 2 hours if he does not respond. Otherwise, @Lightsin @Icibalus and @MaximusPrime may take his slot.



@Lightsin has replaced @Htm.

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Sarun requested their name be changed, so they are now @Alice . Just letting the hosts know so it doesn’t interfere with the game


6 hours remain in the night, so those who have not sent in your night actions, please do so.


Sorry for the late daystart. Anywho let’s get on with the grubby stuff

Pug has died! They were…


Berkut :shield: :crown: :crossed_swords:

Rigelian Special

Nephew to King Rudolf, you were the heir to the throne of Rigel. You spent your life being the pinnacle of Rigelian model, showing off your confidence in waves to the people, but your inner mind was plagued with thoughts of doubt and insecurity as you tried to please your uncle. A staunch believer of the caste system, you looked down upon the peasant who lead the Deliverance, until it was revealed that Alm was not peasant but the son of Emperor Rudolf, meaning heir to the throne, and your only cousin. You grew up with such faith that the throne was yours, but now you will not tolerate anyone who dares to challenge you, even family.

Phantasm (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Immune to any attacks from Mad Lord Duma as long as Starting King Rudolf is alive.
Mounted (Passive) - You are able to use both night abilities in the same night.
Lock and Order (Day) - Choose a player and lock them up in the dungeon. You and your prisoner can send a single 1000 character message to one another over the course of the night. - oo uses.
Kriemhild (Night) - Exact justice upon your prisoner and kill them, bypassing all immunities. If you kill a Rigelian, you will lose the rest of your uses. If you kill Fernand or Rinea, you will die alongside them. - 2 uses
Cease Thy March (Night) - Default the Rigelian’s weapon choice to match that of the Deliverance’s tomorrow, regardless of the vote. - 1 use

They left behind a small tome:


Pug - Berkut
n1: jail Noz - claims Soldier
n2: jail Kitten - cover claiming me

The Deliverance have chosen Axes as a decoy! With 18 alive, majority is 10.

Day 4 has started! May the battle begin!

Ngl I think that was my fault, that I took removing immunities as occupying me.

However @GamerPoke visited pug last night

We found the killer :clap:

The only reason you should have visited pug was to protect him, wanna explain why you visited him and he died