SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)

“In here!” Lukas shouted to the kids as he ducks into an opening of the catacombs. Alm slides down after him, with his friends following behind him.

“How far are those soldiers going to chase us?” asks Gray.
“Not as far as you go to flirt with the village girls,” retorted Tobin.
“Oh, shut up, Tobin.”

“We don’t have time to bicker, I’ve done the best I can to bring you all to the Deliverance hideout.” Lukas said.
Alm looked in wonder at this dark cave, he had never been outside of his village before. “You all stay here?”
“Yes,” replied Lukas. “After we lost Zofia Castle to the Rigelians, we took shelter in this place. Clive is waiting for us, I imagine.”
And from the dark tunnel, it opened up to a giant maze of sprawling catacombs. Soldiers took up camp inside the halls, with torches lit on the sides for light.
They sighed, some lay on the ground as if already fallen in battle. Lots of them had bandages wrapped around them. A bright light was at the end of the hallway.
And a man with blue hair and a crass face stood in the middle of the path. “You can’t go past here without per-” He looked up.
“Lukas, you ginger stud. Thought you’d never make it back.”
“Hello, Python,” said Lukas. “Is Clive waiting for us?”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s up ahead. Think he’s been waiting for quite some time. Why don’t you go and show around the boy-hero?”
“I’m Alm.”
“And I’ve been waiting to meet you.” A blond man walked out of the brightly lit room. Following him were several more soldiers, with his deputy Fernand and lieutenant Forsyth at each side. “I’ve heard much about you from our scouts, and your military skill.”
“Pleased to meet you as well,” said Alm. “I’ve come from Ram.”
“With us!” shouted Faye.
“Would you quiet down?” muttered Kliff. “You’re interrupting Alm.”
“Yes, I know. I actually wanted to ask you a favor, about why I called you and your grandfather here.” Clive waved over all of the soldiers, and they gathered around Alm and his friends.
“Well, I guess I can answer it.” Alm didn’t seem too worried.
“Then I would like to hand over leadership of the Deliverance to you, Alm.” Clive knelt down. “I was going to ask your grandfather originally, but you being our leader will bring morale to our troops. It will revitalize our fighting spirit.”
“What? But I’m only a boy!”
“But a fine fighter, at that,” said Clair, Clive’s sister. “Even in the short time we have been traveling together, you’ve done much to keep us together and strong.”
“I can’t, do that,” said Alm. He looked towards Clive. His lieutenant seemed pleased with what was happening, but the deputy on the right seemed to grow sour and sour with every passing second.
“Please, Alm.” asked Clive. “Then do this for me, that you might relieve me of some of my stress.”
Alm took a deep breath and sighed. His friends watched him intensely, and the gazes of a hundred soldiers followed him too. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
Clive smiled. “Then we welcome you and your friends to the Deliverance.”
Soldiers clapped, some unsure of where this was going, but others becoming brighter as they were graced by the presence of the blood of a hero.
Gray slapped Alm on the back. “Yeah, way to go, dude!”
Clive’s lieutenant, Forsyth rose up. “I think he will make a fine leader.”
Heads began to nod in agreement, but once Fernand spoke, the conversations stopped.
“I will have none of it! You expect us to listen to a boy, one who isn’t even born from nobility?! Look at what the peasants do to us, expecting us to give them proper wages for their work; they should know their place!”
“Fernand,” said Clive. “I understand that the act the people on your family’s manor unjustly did upon you and your family will be hard to bear, but please, accept this for me. We’re best friends, aren’t we?”
“Not anymore.” said Fernand. “It appears you’ve lost sight of our noble goal. I will not bow down to some wench born from a haystack.”
He stormed towards the exit, with Alm and his friends failing to drop their gazes.
“But mark my words, all of you! Those of you who have forgotten the noble goal of Zofia, will face death at the hands of the Rigelian Empire!”

Night 1 begins now, and for Night 1 only, you have 40 hours to do your first night action and confirm in your class card.


Also, you all should use this time to read through all class cards and mechanics; there’s a lot of complex interactions between a lot of classes and the weapon triangle.

17 hours remain in Night 1.



Confirm too
King for once! Hype!

Sleepy wolf goes to sleep


It is night time. Shhhhhhhhhh

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/consume class?

Oh nvm

Guys, seriously though, please don’t post at night

Day 2 begins at 8-9 AM PST


Day begins in 1-2 hours. Thank you all for submitting night actions on time.


As day rises over Zofia Castle, two men walk down the regal halls, in synchronized march.
“I am glad to be working alongside you, my lord Berkut.” Fernand gracefully bowed his head. “The Deliverance has lost its sanity and its honor.”
“No, no, Fernand.” Berkut grabbed Fernand’s hand and shook it. “It is my pleasure to be working with you. You have all of the information on the Deliverance! A worthy addition to the Rigelian cause.”
Fernand stopped his footsteps and smiled. “It is good that I have much to offer, then.”
While on the plains in front of the castle, two men stand ready.
“Slayde, are you all prepared for today’s battle?”
“Y-yes, Chancellor Desaix.” Slayde stutters. "All the troops have been ready for hours, waiting for the Deliverance to show up.
“It’s Lord Desaix now,” Desaix shouts. “Forget once again, and you’re fired, Slayde!”
“Yes sir… Lord Desaix.”
“Commander Slayde! Chancellor Desaix!” A scout rushes up to them.
“Oh why do I bother…” mutters Desaix.
“Two battalions of soldiers were found dead! They were at the leftmost flank of the army’s positioning.”

Solic was found dead! He was a …


Sam was also found dead! He was an…


“Really?” said Slayde. “The Deliverance must have come in the night. I’ll wager they won’t be ready for our weapons during the day if they had to employ such a sneaky tactic.”
“Those Deliverance scum!” shouted Desaix. “They’ll have what’s coming at them, if they behave like cowardly dogs!”
“Commander Slayde!” A second scout, an archer, runs up to him, dressed in full military gear and wielding a bow. “The Deliverance, they’re stationed atop the hill! They’re preparing to fight, and they’re armed full with swords.”
“Already?” asked Slayde. “It’s only sunrise!”
Slayde looked back at his scouts and at Desaix. “Well, no worries, we’ll take the fight to them! Are we ready or not?”
“Yes, Commander Slayde!” The scouts shout in unison.
Slayde gets on top of his mount, and rides to the front of the army. “Noble Zofians and Rigelians! We ride for battle!”
The troops shout as they prepare their fight and armor up.
And from the castle, Berkut and Fernand look down on them.
“This will be interesting,” says Berkut. “Let’s see if this Alm fellow you spoke of, Fernand, can put up a good fight.”

Day 2’s battle begins. The Deliverance has chosen Swords as a Decoy. You have 24 hours to choose a battle weapon.

After 24 hours, or once a weapon has been chosen, the voting stage will begin.

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You may vote on the following: Swords, Lances, and Axes.

Swords beat Axes,

Axes beat Lances,

and Lances beat Swords.

Weapon Voters Count
Swords N/A 0/12
Lances Bazinga 1/12
Axes N/A 0/12

Let’s get start the day, shall we?

Slept peacefully.

/vote lances

I’m a gambling man and I’m feeling lucky, punks

Why the magic tome isn’t an option…feels bad.

/vote Lances

Because adding the magic triangle to this would make it infinitely more complicated. I’ll try adding it for SFOL Echoes 2.

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/vote Sir Lancealot

Weapon Voters Count
Swords N/A 0/12
Lances Bazinga, Twilight, Squid, Poke 4/12
Axes N/A 0/12

A decoy is not decoy if its not a decoy!

/vote Lance