SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)

I wasn’t sure at first until a lot of people started picking Swords. The decoy weapon wasn’t my main reason to vote Lances, but rather it’s a small partial reason on why I placed my vote where I did

I am pretty sure I was the first to mention this. I think people bought it. A little… too readily.


i mean i would rather go axes than lances but they have only 3 vote

By the cruel thing is here.

Scum will want us to lose at all costs.
They will be manipulating the vote somehow.
But how?

Me voting Axes was a mistake.
/vote swords

Why aren’t you voting axes then?

I see. So the King isn’t the only “persuader” that caused many players to pick Swords

Someone tell me what swords and lances and axes actually mean please?

Weapon Voters Count
Swords PKR :crown: , Eevee, Hjasik, Tarik, Cube, Bazinga, Shurian 8/12
Lances Twilight, Squid, Poke, Litten, Pug, Insanity, Sarun, Noz 8/12
Axes Celeste, Taetae 2/12

30 minutes remain before the battle ends.

Stick with what is right for you despite the votes. Don’t go with the majority just because the minority is smaller

because swords have majority and i would prefer swords over axes
I meant that if axes and lances would be in conflict i would rather vote axes

You just said you preferred axes.

Swords win against axes, axes win against lances and lances win against swords. Scum picked a weapon and now the town pick a weapon to beat scum

i said i prefer axes over lances

A type of weapon. That each faction will send an NPC to fight.
Lances> Swords
Swords> Axes
Axes> Lances

If a draw ensues, nothing happens.
If a result is concluded, for the night…

Deliverance gets +1 to their limited use abils.
Rigelians will get conversion immunity for the night.

Why would you prefer axes over lances? Also why do you want to vote swords just cause its majority.

Okay then with all the people screaming not lances right now lances seems the safest bet right now and all the hyper posters are probably flail scum.


Meaning i wouldnt vote swords if no one would vote them because my vote wouldnt matter in that case

In fact, this FM is basically rounded onto the battle system during the day.

While we can discuss the details of people during the day, we may also use this moment to look at people’s motives during the day. Who knows, maybe the scum need a really important limited use ability in their arsenal and what nots.


So you’re voting Swords because more people are picking Swords? That is a terrible mentality to be in

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