SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)

Saying something like“it doesn’t make sense” is a logical fallacy.

I saw many times when scum was hard defending their teammate Despire how illogical it was.

No. You said your buddies would try to throw you under the bus not that scum may try gain credit after your flip.

The problem is Scum know exacly what they choosed, I wouldn’t say voting for Swords give them any credit at this scenario.

so u just assume that would both pull of bad play and wont communicate with team since no one else is protecting me

i dont know why are u continuing pulling out that straw man I even quoted where i said that

they would get credit for starting sword train
they also could have started train on purpose that we will think its a losing weapon even when it could have been winning one

No. I assumed crossing this possibility already is straight up idiotic.

I’m continuing to pulling this because you worded in very generic way without any details.

Well, they got scumcredit for it so you’re not wrong. Kek

Is it what we established?

Hold up, I’m accusing you of stuff you didn’t do? Can you please elaborate on that cause that doesn’t make any sense to me

they could have started it on purpose so we will think that they want us to choose it when they actually dont

i explained why i switched to axes

i explained that like 5 times and u continie to ask it

i explained that like 6 times and u continie to ask it

i explained that like 7 times and u continie to ask it

i am already said that if eevee says his results were fake i wouldnt accuse sarun

i explained that like 8 times and u continie to ask it

stop this

Alright, there’s nothing I did that I fucking made up. First of all, you said you wanted to vote Axes, but your vote stayed on Swords until the very last minute. According to you, the reason you acted like that was because Axes couldn’t reach majority, so you rather keep your vote on Swords, the most suspicious option of the group. Second of all, you always answered my question as if both of them have been mind warped and not just one. If you want to prove me wrong, quote me your answer that includes why a single mind warp isn’t possible. Third of all, just because Eevee said his results first doesn’t mean he isn’t lying. Hell, maybe he was mind warped to get those results. But all that blind faith is not reliable. You said that I accused you of things you never did, but even from your ISO, it still doesn’t explain what I accused you of that you didn’t do

I am starting to leaning to that u are scum since

  1. u complently ignore points i make
  2. u wanted to execute me even before letting me say my defense

Even as I look at this scenario

Lying in this scenario does not mean Scum confirmed.

Fancy Play Syndrome was most likely included. Why even admit the fancy play tho.

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Fancy Play- Bait by lying and to solicit reactions.

Its a part of WIFOMism

Then -Got Caught in lie

A scum would be pushing for mislynch. Eevee yet decided to stop the train. So…

I dont think Eevee is doing much much.
Sarun’s results however I feel they are indisputable.

You already said your defense and I made my decision. It wasn’t a very good defense imo. Now for the mindwarped case, if Eevee got mindwarped, then the person he saw Sarun visit would be different. At least according to my understanding of it. As for Sarun, his results could have simply gotten swapped. It’s not that hard to realize that. Also, the fact that you’re accusing me of being scum is because I’m accusing you of being scum is just… sigh disappointing

This is but a repeat of the earlier happenings. I state what I see.

I said that if he is lying then he will give real results at trial phase thats why I voted

he would see redirection

sarun said he visited eevee
eevee said he visited another person
so if eevee was mindwarped he saw sarun visit other person but eevee wich he said he did

I dont think an explanation is needed if its a power role (Name redacted).

By swapped, I mean go from Non-Royal to Royal. I didn’t say anything about redirection

So I’m actually starting to doubt my initial read on Hja here. His defense is meh, though he does have a point about his wagon.

He got trialed far too fast for my liking which indicates that either,

  1. This is a mislynch as scum may have been eager to jump on his wagon.
  2. This is a bus, so while a good lynch then it won’t net any information at all.
  3. Most of scum is inactive.

Additionally, there were no competing wagons at all. There was the dumb Eevee-Baz OMGUS, but aside from that everyone just funneled into him. We did have plenty of discussion during the Battle Phase, but everyone just converging onto him strikes as fishy.

The first scenario is the simplest and would technically be the most probable, however the case against him is way too strong to the point that I don’t think scum would actually be suicidal enough to defend him. The third scenario is possible, but still the least likely of all here. I’m leaning 45-40-15 when it comes to ML, bus, and inactivity.

I don’t want to either hammer pardon or execute on Hja right now, but I’d keep this discussion open as I don’t like the wagonomics here.

I do have two other suspects here in the case Hja flips town, though.

arcanist is not royal
he would get results from that night

if most scum are inactive who do you think did start sword wagon

Yes, I know Arcanist isn’t Royal! But if Sarun was mindwarped, then it wouldn’t show Eevee as Non-Royal but instead show him as Royal