SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

If that were the case, he would side with the majority to ensure his survival. If Dom has majority, he would side with the Dominion, not the Revolution to end the game faster

I see many times when neuts dont

That is a possibility that has played through my mind, though there are a bunch of Dominion classes that have Stone as a resource

She’s not, she just had stone

emphasis on had

I don’t like either Marg or Hja due to their insistence on hanging Livi over scumhunting, tbh.

I dont like your not lynching policy

Indeed, they’re too narrow minded on the fact that Survivor don’t always side with the evil factions

you 2 look like in a scum team

If you look at the Beggar from worst case scenario viewpoint, its a fucking spy

Which makes it 2 NKs.

TWO NKs that can ruin all building projects


Were not even discussing no Lynching, were discussing that we should always lynch scummy people over the Beggar.

But we’ll know if they’re stealing resources like super fast

Okay, do you want to hang Livi because he’s a survivor or because I’m in a scum team with him?

Again, he could easily be vigged if he doesnt listen to us.



I never got a notif that my stone was stolen

I am talking about you and squid

If the Beggar does something that we don’t like, then we can kill them, but killing them this early is not a good idea especially since the Lord is now dead

Just because they are agreeing on a point, you think they are on a scum team?

Everyone else here but you and Marg aren’t going with this lynch survivors crap.

there is more reason to that

W e D o n t K n o w I f T h e y D o S o m e t h i n g W r o n g