SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

@GamerPoke is on trial. You may vote to pardon or exe after they make their defense



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my vote wont change anyway

neutral evils are exempt from these rules clearly

Im good healer boi, Marg is evil and we should kill them :clap:t3:

So you’re not exempt, got it

Great defense


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Ok now you can exe him or whatever


don’t tell me what to do

Good boy, you deserve a little treat :3


Nevermind, you won’t have that treat anymore



GamerPoke is innocent pardon him

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Sees Poke liking a post from an Insider claim :thinking:

Marl, you’ll get a tasty treat if you admit that you’re Spy

NuclearBurrito. Once I die, I will move all your worries to your soul so you won’t have to see them again