SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

you played decently.

I just donā€™t want Maxi getting the win honestly.

@bazingaboy @Frostwolf103

one of you please convert immune me

idk. I have no grudges against the guy but he really didnā€™t play well

Sorry what?

Iā€™m asking to protect me from convert

Donā€™t tell me what to do Dad :rage:

Exe/Pardon Voters Count
Exe Baz, Blue, Squid, Maxi, Livi, Marl, Pug 7/6
Pardon Frost

Cease and Desist

@Insanity @NuclearBurrito :hammer:

I mean you are cleared not to be member tonight, that doesnā€™t include being converted.

But we have bigger problems.

How far is the progress for Granary?

why is it that the games that maxi is the saltiest in gives him a nk win

lumbermill is what I checked.

2/15 for mill

Iā€™ll check grainery tonight?

Marg has been hammered, Twilight has now begun, cut the posting or risk getting a modkill. Your choice

actually I want to pardon


missionary can live another night.

Spy cannot


We need to finish the granary tonight so I hope we lose one citz tonight instead of two.

We are not letting the spy live tonight so he can use the last all-in

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@Pug @Frostwolf103 final warning.

Will you pardon then? The town are braindead


You canā€™t stop Maxi getting the win

oops, mb.
didnā€™t see