SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

@MaximusPrime @Marluxion @Livicus

Neutral Alliance for the win. You done well my children. :smiling_imp:


Neuts In? Although to be fair I was trying to play like a town

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I thought the set-up was actually good. I would just tweak the building numbers. Takes way too many resources to make a building, and granary is the only one that seems to matter because of that. I would remove the 2 neutrals and add 1 dominion and 1 revolution. Make the revolutionary not respawn like cult leader if killed after d4 like mastermind OR make him occupiable. Having both is just ridiculous because you cannot stop conversions and it becomes too much like whack a mole.

Great set-up, but we played badly and got unlucky with prince dead n1


Alternative Won condition for NK is okay but it has be changed a little bit.

For starters I would reduce the number of Citizens (From 10 to like 6-8) BUT only one Citizen would been die from starving instead of 2.

I kind of knew he was the NK for being a third neut claim and just tried to buddy him so he wouldn’t kill me. I kind of knew you were the Insider as you were the only WoW player here so nobody else would send the the Whispers of C’thun as a message.

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well it’s lucky you were evil because me dying d1 would be a tragedy the likes of which this game should never experience

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I tend to roll nk a lot

I tried so hard to get you lynched

Yeah you tried to bus me earlier didn’t you

Yeah until I realized you were my neutral son

You mean


I thought you were Re :b:olution

I had to spam “I’m confirmed neutral” a lot so you wouldn’t lmao


Honestly I tried to win without killing any citizens at first

Anyway’s I’ll tone down the citizens next time.

Like 12 cits with 1 starving per night

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Resources should be stacking each day every time you’re not contributing it

I can see that

Oh and I’ll make it so resources can be committed at any time but get locked in at the end of each night. I’ll edit ability’s accordingly


You should also rework the building thing

Force a project phase at the SOD like in ritual mafia