SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

I swear from previous experience us 3 probably look like a bunch of scum making a scum block

Wait no one in their right mind would do that
Get off him

well never go against a florentian man dressed in black when iocane powder is in the drinks

I call thee scum and now unvote (unable to out class of his)

I think its alice tho

just from the way push did go

Youā€™re essentially accusing me of scum because Iā€™ve pushed you with no other backing to your accusation. This is downright OMGUS.

That looks like Alice usual town pushes imo.

Alice stop no vote hjasik pls

(Gosh darn it Sarun/Alice its hard to get used to new name.)

when shur said I am not scum she assumed that we are both scums protecting each other
I mean would townie assume something like that?

in start of the game no scum would do like that

Then tell me this. What information does Shurian have that youā€™re not scum?

Sheā€™s a unique case apparently umu

And also I havent leaked anything yet. Or hopefully so.

I am like 60 % sure alice will flip scum right now

Well. Imma go sleep now. Leave everything to baz in case.

Iā€™m going by mechanical info. I dont think that situation whereby hjasik is scum is likely at all.

I meanā€¦ yeahā€¦

You claimed you were not an inspector, so how are you absolutely sure Hja is town?

He knows things that shouldnā€™t have been known unless it was a certain role. :3

should be obvious right now

I think I found out why.

And on that basis, /unvote

Psst hjasik we totally scum blocc amirite?

Also you didnt let me do my thing. Im disappointed. (My fault for coming late yeah but still.)

The whole affair is a baloney hype and needs to die down.