SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Alice can you check marl or gamerpoke so I can remove this tinfoil from my head

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Occupy Celeste with her own stone

thatā€™s funny, Celeste told me to occ you with her stone earlier

Does this mean I can check whomever I want?

Why Celeste in particular?

Knock yourself out

lul iā€™m gonna check whoever i want anyway pretty much
so no point asking

Because itā€™d be hilarious

but it could be useless

you cant be 100% sure he is town from way he behave cuz that maybe what he wants you to think obvs

then just save it alchyboi

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you overestimate him

shurian is a good boy who would never mislead us

Iā€™ll put it towards a project tomorrow

Iā€™ll check Poke.

His lack of posts and meh-ish vote patterns even when town makes him frustrating to read IMO.


what exactly in his behaviour makes you think he is town

tellle me

Livicus could also steal some nice gold from the outed earl. You wouldnā€™t do that would you dear livicus you naughty boy

If he takes my gold Iā€™ll hang him

Marl answer my question

You wonā€™t know until the resourceā€™s have been tallied