SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

There are 2 non-NK Neuts

@MaximusPrime Since u have no kill potential, i wonā€™t vote you but, instead youā€™ll be countered by your own neut friend :smiley:

We canā€™t occupy him, heā€™s immune
Iā€™d have suggested it if he werenā€™t

Pfft thats what u thought I was talking about

Margaret Its not a Good thing to make neuts kill each others

if we remove his passive every night ez


Yes, very good indeed.

Its morally Wrong

I agree
Itā€™s much more of a kindness to just end his life during the day

Neut will never side with you if you make him kill other neut

We can keep neuts as hostages to make spy night vig for us

That is Genius level strategy

Spy knows who the neuts are

We would require that cw-esque class to even use them as hostages

If he doesnt kill our target then We lynch neut

If spy has Any honor he will have to kill for us to avoid deaths of innocent neuts

For example tonight We can make spy kill margaret

all town players get converted same night
Why you ask?
Because they did this to marl


Mass convert immunity?

We should ally with revolution and do shipyard so everyone expect for NK and those who are dead will win obvs