SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

I am sending it to third inspector

Do I get notified who Iā€™m linked with at night from the Ambassador/Mediator primary ability?

You do

even so we arent flipping HTM today since we can jsut occupy him

As much I like the idea of having to coordinate two random selected investigators however, Blue never know if youā€™re legit.

we will prevent scums from getting kills

So if you donā€™t want me to ā€œwaste a nightā€ occupying a Mediator if this flips Missionary, message me. Otherwise youā€™re casting undue suspicion on yourself and weā€™ll lynch you tomorrow.

If the invest I sent message confirms me?

It doesnā€™t matter, I will have wasted a night occupying you by then.

well waste your occ then

Why the hell are you so gung-ho in hanging a survivor or a person with a green check but not when it comes to hanging someone who flips likely scum?

intead of using it on actual missionary

Thatā€™s scummy as hell, man.

cuz if youre converted you cant kill

Wouldnā€™t it better to lynch HTM instead, the convert either need to pick the old tricks or killing, using killing will get them exposed.

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missionary can

Except Iā€™m not the fucking convert. The only reason you latched on to this stupid theory is that itā€™s the only one that fits your idiotic OMGUS.

or we can just avoid meaningless death

No youre convert I am 98% sure

Which death are you referencing as meaningless and how?