SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Blue occupies htm, claims he’s Engineer.

blue occupies last night convert AKA alice

Who to vote?

How do you read Alice as scum? I’d really like to know.

you can know when I flip town

We’re voting HTM today. I’m occupying hjasik if they don’t use their secondary ability on me tonight.

just lynch me tommorow

/vote htm

May we have Vanguard protecting Bluestorm

and then alice

That’s not an answer.

you all know that top priority for convert is hjasik


and yea alice is scum just trust my reads when I flip town thats all it takes

Alice & Marl would be way too obvious a convert this early.

thats what they want us to think

just lynch me today and alice tommorow

We already have our plans detailed for today. You’re not gonna influence me to change them.

you can occ HTM if you think he is missionary

just lynch me so I can confirm vouch for my words