SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Okay then I’ll out

I stole some stone from Celeste last night

I always rush a monument, then a worker, then I spam settlers tbh.



Well, then stop stealing it and you’ll survive.

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but I am also basically an earl and can help find out what resoirce people have

and I just can’t resist xD

neuts out

they side with spy

They can’t side with spy if he’s dead

Or, y’know, we could use today to lynch someone who likely flips Revolution or Spy.

we have no evidence on anyone expect neut

Neuts have even less to worry about now seeing as our checks notes Lord died already

The role list here makes it suicide to claim a neutral. If two other neutrals flip then we’ll tunnel Livi, until then he should be left alone.

We’re dealing with a Survivor-esqe class here. As long as he doesn’t do more harm, then we should be fine

I mean, some people do fakeclaim neutral coughHTMcough but I don’t exactly believe Livi would have done it, especially considering the setup.

he will not vote with town for sure when there will be few players alive

You don’t know that for sure. Some survivors do side with Town at the end

Read again. Lynching survivors is pointless as it’d be more productive if we lynch a player who needs to be lynched for us to fulfill our wincon.

I was so excited for this game considering I helped Nuke with it but then I roll beggar

it was horrifying

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tell me when you play NK who do you rely on to help you?

I usually rely on no one but myself