SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

expect that that message was 19 min ago

Dude, Marl sent you a message, the only other class that can do that (I think) is YOU and youā€™re unique.


I know we can only go so far with mechanics but cā€™mon man, this is your ABCā€™s here.

Honestly itā€™s super annoying that people donā€™t listen to anyone but Marl and Alice. I wish I could filter Marl heā€™s just adding white noise to the thread at this point


Iā€™ve given you a confirmed scum, and you call me white noise? Pshaw.

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Weā€™re not lynching spy he has a vested interest in killing revolution (and you)

Spy canā€™t kill me sadly

Only dominion can

Yes, so weā€™re putting hjasik as chancellor? He made cooperation possible.

Anyone of us is good because we all have proven abilities (well except me, sort of)

Nah, Iā€™ll be chancellor ofc

In any case, Hjasik and I are 100% confirmed, Iā€™d rather be put up as chancellor just cause Iā€™d say itā€™s better for Town to have an occupier that canā€™t be converted


Thatā€™s not in my contract

Also dear lord

I softed to the scum like 8 times to kill Hjasik yesterday

Without Hjasik the Bazinga Shurian Boogaloo falls apart

They didnā€™t get a kill off

probably because they attacked the spy like an idiot

Anyway this means that the scum are literally afkers so GG this is going to be so fucking mindnumbingly boring.

why would you kill me when I am 1 useless class 2 bad player?