SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Yeah but dont dismiss the possibility of the play or you’ll find yourself eating dirt when someone sneaks up on you for dismissing likely possibilities

Remember - A vote for me for chancellor is a vote for the future

What target

Is protecting a messenger from conversions more important than protecting someone that can literally stop revs from converting or attacking?

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I encourage you to finish reading before posting

Uh read pls

I literally just said pug

You are the only one


That was dumb idea from him

Nah, pug is likely the mastermind anyway so who cares

You only have one night action but yours are useful so we can have hjasik guard.

Even so, I’m more powerfully used as a tool against the Dominion than a messenger, especially if the Revs have an Insider anyway.

Well no one have proved he is

Reminder to ignore marl’s comments as he wants us to lose.

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Reminder to ignore yourself

I won’t stop posting, so enjoy~

Literally ignore all neuts at this point

Goal: Have a higher post count than Hjasik’s before the town loses

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Actually scum should vote Blue for chancellor