SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

why didnt you mention it?

There was a mod error

Itā€™s called messaging Max without saying anything about it aka Snitch. Also, if I was Spy, why would I say an Insider killed someone?

@NuclearBurrito confirm my message was sent correctly

Because there wasnā€™t that error when I typed it

ok lets see if host confirms

Admin abuse

See this right there @Emilia?

This proves Maxi is Spy and not Insider, Maxi is the real insider and you probably didnā€™t expect Spy have attacked Insider N0 and Maxi knew it and send the message to Marl first to instruct the act how Marl should play the insider part today.

So today, Maxi send message to you disguising it was Marlā€™s message and all Marl have to do is the exact words given by Maxi yesterday.

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I have another question for you, Marl. If I am Spy, why do you want me dead? Insider wins with Revolution or Spy :thinking:

I do have to say that thereā€™s no way for Max to relay that message to Marl AND message hjasik without cheating, if Marl were to be the spy and Max the insider.

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Insider can only send one message per day
It was to hjasik

Youā€™re actually incompetent if you think Iā€™m spy

Yesterday you thonk, Maxi send YOU the message d1.

Literally not impossible

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Accusing me of being the spy us the same as accusing me of being a cheater

I sent Alice a message
I can copy and paste it here

Alice canā€™t confirm that since sheā€™s dead

Death is closeā€¦
You are already dead.
Your courage will fail.
Your friends will abandon you.
You will betray your friends.
You will die.
You are weak.
Your heart will explode.
They are coming for you.
Give in to your fear.
Kill them all before they kill you.
They have turned against you. Now, take your revenge.
It WAS your fault.
Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.
You are a pawn of forces unseen.
There is no escape. Not in this life, not in the next.

btw if youā€™re evil say ā€œWell, heck.ā€ today

Maxi used this N0 and on Marl no less

No shit

Just search ā€˜well, heckā€™

Youā€™re unbelievably awful