SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Now you know how I felt in RM2


When was that? Ive rekt u way too many times to remember


When me and Fire was alchemist. Htm executes me

How did i kill u then lol

You were rooting for me to get executed. I had to take revenge

Thats every game

OwO what is this

Anyway, will be back on tracking VC…

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Furries out


I’m not killing anyone just to get occ’d

I’m gonna steal stuff so I can tell if people are lying or not

Ok but you could have just said you were going to kill him so he would occupy you.


you’re testing if Sam is actually an Engineer

I can do that

aight I’m here.

my night results is that bazinga has stone.

He claims Inspector and he got occ.

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I on other hand found the spy, Marl.

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alright then. I think we found Missionary

Margaret could have been Missionary, Gamerpoke too.

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Also do not listen to Maxi.

Unless he can explain why I’m scum other than “oh I’m salty from his plays in another game”
I’m not going to take Maxi seriously

I am beyond that point from not listening to Maxi since he is actually the Insider, not bounty hunter

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@MaximusPrime shouldn’t have picked such an easy target.