SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

@Shurian Remember to fund Blue today/tonight so he can stop the conversion action on Sam after we lynch Gamerpoke the missionary. Marl is Spy and Maxi the Insider

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Marl is free to kill me, whatever. Heā€™s not going to live tomorrow

Frost if I could kill you I would
But all i can do is send vulgar emoji with my whisper

If the real spy wants to kill Frost to frame me, DO IT
but i still encourage you to SERIOUSLY, empower kill bazinga tonight

He have no choice but to kill Sam tonight.

Boi, if I was scum then I would have agreed to lynch Pug and act like victim how I voted in scumwagon ā€œOh no, my reasoning was wrong how did that happen?ā€

and pocketed Hjasik so hard that I cheated on my wife :thinking:

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frost wouldnt know Marl is neut if he was scummy boi

(I donā€™t have irl wife, see that as impression)

I canā€™t honestly gamethrow my neutral brothers like that, I also rather die a hero than live long enough to become villain.

Marl only claimed neut when we forced him too. He tried to claim invest, he dies now. Maximus was honest and claiemd neut he has much more cred than Marl rn

Scumslip detected :clap:

Iā€™ve proven that iā€™m insider you dingus

To who?


Poke is our lynch today anyhow.

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Marl, do you notice the typo in hjasikā€™s message? You never make typos

I didnā€™t make a typo

is this the part where you scumread me for being objectively correct again, squid?

So this message isnā€™t yours?

No, thereā€™s a u after d in duty