SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

@NuclearBurrito how long until we can lynch?

Maxi shouldnā€™t have claimed bounty hunter in the first place, period.

2 hours and 5 minutes

Maxi is in no way confirmed as bounty hunter and does suspicious actions by putting bounty on Pug for no reason, put bounty on no one at first day.

To be fair, we started at night.

This couldnā€™t have been played as there was no D0, only a N0.

You tried to attacked Maxi but failed because of his passive to survive non-dominion attacks, Maxi used interrogate what you have been doing at N0 and find out you visited to him and thus you got instructed to say these short messages for Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 and so on so on by messaging YOU D1 and kept it quiet until today when you expect to be checked out that you are not Earl but Neutral and two non-killing neutrals are already filled, you have to suspect Pug, Squid and Livicius as Spy as your last desperate attempt to stay alive but itā€™s over the moment this subtlety from Maxi and your conspiracy against Dominion are discovered.

Squid got jailed first night and then following Alice to see you visiting her, being dead.
Pug finds out Celeste have Stone
Livicius is the first to mention he stole it from her before Pug could reply, so that means the beggar claim is legit and sound unlike your Spy pretending to be Insider who is digging his own grave by having the insider helping you.


Correct because itā€™s confirmation stage - my point is that itā€™s now D2 and all he bountied is Pug? Boo.

Come on man, this is the reason why Maxi didnā€™t bountied anyone D1.

Scum be like ā€œFrost youā€™re stupid as hell for right reasons.ā€

Frostwolf103 the dumbest forum veteran in the FoL universe you bastards.

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sips tea Marl, why canā€™t you be a good NK boi like that one time you got caught as a Demon?

wasnā€™t that the time I played Marshal?

I donā€™t remember, I know it was an FoL game

Ah, it was SFoL I mentioned.

Return of the Blue Dragon II?

Probably, cause if itā€™s that game, then I remember being a Fool in that game -_-

Yeah apparently you were.

100% wont happen, not even worried

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But you should be

The Spy wonā€™t able to kill all the citizens in time.

@Emilia has been elected chancellor. After he proposes 2 projects you may vote to allow them and then contribute to them. If they day ends before an option for allowing a project is hammered then majority goes. You may DM a contribution for a project that hasnā€™t been hammered to buffer it incase it gets allowed this way.

Additionally you may now vote to execute someone

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