SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

He contributed it.

Shhhh, donā€™t question it

I spent it on the Lumber Mill because I THOUGHT WE WERE DOING PROJECTS

it was a waste

Also, the Lumber Mill over the Granary?

Which is fine and I did say I appreciate that, sorry if I left out wondering where the gold went.

no Iā€™m not salty

itā€™s that it was wasted

we need granary so I can have sheeps and votes on dominion side


Thatā€™s why I contributed to the grainery, but itā€™s not built for some reason :thinking:

We definitely need at least 3 granaries at end of the game so the spy canā€™t keep killing them

I went for the Lumber Mill, I can do it for tonight.

Buildings literally donā€™t matter. They take way too long to build to have any effect on the outcome of the game. Granary is the only useful building.


It was a nice idea, but the games are too short for them to mean anything.

Still takes long of time to construct unless we got refining buildings that produce more wood, stone and gold.

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someday burrito will wake up and send my message

@Emilia Just make sure to kill the revolution (marg/shurian) today with your dayability vote

If I get a message, youā€™re going to recite what it says. If itā€™s right, Iā€™ll believe your Insider claim. If not, youā€™re confirmed Spy

And proceed to bang my head against the wall

Squid youā€™ll believe my claim the instant you get my message

We need to make absolutely sure youā€™re legit and that Maxi didnā€™t just send a random message

Squid itā€™s something only i would know and itā€™s something YOU KNOW only I would know