SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

even if livi sides with use we cant win since I am ded from poison in 2 nights

No unfortunately I just tunnel visioned the afkā€™s all game. Although shurian was afk tooā€¦ Lame!

but there is an outside chance of it being blue / pug / bazinga

I saw Marg kill someone, therefore you are wrong

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Plan : Town will lynch Margaret today because she is obvious
Crown me Insideccellor (Insider Chancellor) tomorrow
and then we let scum convert so the maximum number of people win :heart:

or we just execute Marl

Heā€™s notā€¦the spy

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If youā€™re going to gamethrow and put me up, do it already so we can pardon

Then youā€™re scum Chancellor clap

Maxi isnā€™t even on.

Why would we?!?

Have you not been reading anything, hjasik?!?

@Emilia If youā€™re going to gamethrow get it over with
It just gives me an excuse to blacklist you in the future

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For the love of malarkey, hjasik, vote one of the known Revolutionaries and not a Neut non-killing.

This hurts.

Itā€™s impossible, Alice is the first convert and died, last convert happen previous night so itā€™s impossible for Shurian to be convert and manage to convert Hjasik as well.

Simple maths.

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cuz we cant win this we either let rev or spy win

And last I know, scum canā€™t disguise classes upon death

Squid is still a liar

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You can at least bloody try.

Vote Marg or Shuri, itā€™s literally that simple.

How so? Are you saying you didnā€™t visit Sam?

Squid + Blue + Bazinga scumteam

Itā€™s not unlikely
Squid was the convert last night