SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!


main reason is that unlike stone or wood, I canā€™t use gold AND steal someoneā€™s resources

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I mean if I happen to get it


Iā€™ll contribute it to a project

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and gold is just for killing.


wood and stone are all-around more useful and safer

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Youā€™re technically the Alch of this game.

but I still actually like you better than alch

Beggar is a more fun alch imo

Iā€™m stil a Neut Surv

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Youā€™d p much only want gold if you want to end the game faster by killing people

Okay, this is making no sense whatsoever. We are now at 7 fucking investigative claims here.

We have Marl and Pug as Earls.
We have me, Baz, and Blizer as Inspectors.
And finally we have Shurian and Squid as Watchmen.

So Maxi and Blizer claim the neut spots.

@MaximusPrime mind hard-claiming here?

So youā€™re just sheeping in a read youā€™re unsure in and know that will likely flip town just so you can see if you can ā€œscumread marl?ā€ Ngl, it seems like a weak excuse to push a lynch on a power player

seems like a weak excuse to protect a power player who is scum

Like honestly Maxi, I think you are Neut because most scum would claim Dominion but still

I think thereā€™s an 85% chance marl flips revolution here. His first post in the thread sent off alarm noises for me and I stated as much, among the other many reasons Iā€™ve stated too.


Does this look like a natural post from someone who getā€™s protectives out the ass while nobody else had even claimed yet?

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Yeah, I kinda do mind

Iā€™ll hard claim tomorrow tho

I thought he was Inspector honestly because of that.

I claimed the exact same thing he did and I donā€™t think of myself as important.

Iā€™m just Princess p much. why tf does an Earl need major shit

Itā€™s soft enough so he has space to claim, but hard enough that it seems convincing. I bet he wanted to claim inspector but realized we had too many already. You claiming earl is honestly suicide if you arenā€™t dominion. You could have claimed anything else.

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Honestly less suspicious than some of the other investigator claims, and at least marl has posted his logs whereas the others are just sheeping or doing nothing

@Marluxion may you please explain to me why an Earl needs protection