SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

but he doesnt have to go against us he can just contract who we are going to lynch if we work togehter

his WORST CASE SCENARIO is a fine flip


hjasik iā€™m going to be straight up with you

I donā€™t believe his bounty hunter claim and i think youā€™re naive for believing it

He isnā€™t ā€œRiskingā€ a counterclaim because half of the other existing neutrals are anti-town

No sane man would counterclaim him

Itā€™s almost like a Scorned situation. If a Scorned outted himself, would you lynch him or would you let him frame and lynch four people?

Town: Neutrals should out, absolutely no downsides for you

Also ā€œTownā€: Yeah weā€™re gonna lynch you cause we want to buy time

Absolute scumbags

what I mean is that there is 2 neut so if he isnt neut he wouldnt claim BH

I mean if he frames we know that he is not with us cuz ppl flip

Lol weak ass excuse

I wonā€™t frame and if I did, I can only frame my target anyway

literally who said this?


she said we wont lynch neuts who out

ā€¦so you got outsmarted by alice

Sorry Maxi

Youā€™re an anti-town neutral (or scum lying, which is more likely i believe)
you should have known better

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Still, a Bounty Hunter has an anti-Town style which could harmful to us in the long run. Tbh, it was a stupid idea to out as a class like that

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last time when I tried to go against her policy I got myself nearly lynched

I said for benign and pro-town neutrals like the Beggar and Merchant to out, especially since I found Livicus as a neutral. Maxi being an anti-town neutral shouldnā€™t have outed in this case.

See here. But I donā€™t think Maxi should be a priority lynch as he doesnā€™t exactly need to go against us to win, as if he only bounties scumreads and allow us to lynch them then he can win in this case.


Right now I donā€™t like Pug for his initial posts alongside his sudden 180 on Marl after Marl casted shade on him, Shurian for his trainwreck of an opening, and Hjasik for reasons Iā€™ve said above.

However, I donā€™t see Shurian and Pug being on the same scum team due to their initial interactions. By their claims I can see Pug being the Revolutionary and Shurian being the Spy, though.

also blue seemed active early game and then got inactive and he was pretty sheepy

Boss isnā€™t in this game. But Iā€™m not exactly keen on HTMā€™s silence as weā€™re roughly two IRL days in and he has yet to post. The last time he was so inactive like this was in VLR where his slot flipped Arsonist.