SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

If you agree to lynch alice after I flip town sure since I know alice is scum

but u todays lynch :thinking:

alice tommorow

I agree to be todays lynch

Lol only scum want to lynch confirmed Neutrals

gonna be gambit to out scum

Town should never agree to be lynched :thinking:

just make it faster

not if it confirms scum in eyes of others

Tbh, I’m kinda already sheeping people secretly

stop talking just vote me up and lynch alice tommorow

its so obvious its painful to play this

Maxi is one of them right? He claims Bounty Hunter after that?

@margaret no counter?

There can only be 2 neutrals and I’m uncced ffs how many times do I have to say this to the scum

I wasn’t talking to you, rude.

Maxi and Livicus are the neut claims. Livicus I’m absolutely confident is a Beggar as he was my n1 check and he came up neut while he knew Celeste’s resource. Maxi is a BH claim but as long as he doesn’t frame people we’ll keep him alive.

marg your vote

You were talking about me being scum tho??

we need this to confirm scum