SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Am I considered a perv


Because you don’t need Revolutionaries when the spy can kill lot faster.

yes you are boi

Basically, your win is served to you on a silver platter

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It’s a matter of dignity
I give my wood
and the town gives me the crown
I’m nothing if not a man of my wood

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man of my word
not wood

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Not unless if we exe you :smirk:

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or we can just kill you right now

Yeah, but I can give you the slightest hope in giving you oats or whatever the shit comes out of a granary

Why. Would. We. Do. That?

Blood of sheep

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Well you don’t need to become new chancellor when spy wins either way he lived or die since his objection also inlcludes: “Eliminate the citizens.”

To deny a neutral a win because of personal reasons instead of actually trying to win

It’s cause enough to get blacklisted tbh

cuz we are kingmaker faction right now?

If you’re going to vote me quit fucking talking and do it



I know he isnt

I’m starting to agree with Alice
I dont want to play with Hjasik

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Then why the fuck would you vote him? Oh my word!