SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I mean Cmon Yes I memed a little you dont have to tunnel me for that

… Deleting a post doesn’t really count as a Meme tbh


Why would people infect htm.

Theory:He’s so lazy and they want to get our resources off others.

Well okay I might have gona a little overboard earlier

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I guess we did learn one thing. If Shurian is magician I don’t have a phylactery :slight_smile: Otherwise Marcus wouldn’t try to kill me.


This is of course assuming he is lynch. It also explains his first push on me.

That’s a weird way to say a lot.


D1 is shitposting time.
D2 onwards is NEVER shitposting time (Unless you’re Marg in which case you kind of get a free pass)


Which is annoying AF.

Is there a way to get free pass or is it limited edition?

If I could I would nuke Celeste’s

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Celestes What ?

Celeste’s free pass to shit post

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We only have room for one Celeste not two.

What’s even more interesting is if Marcus is Lich where is the scum NK?

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What about Memesky?

Can I TaKe memeskys slot for shitpost then?

If you want to get blacklisted Hj then sure

Can I TaKe his slot without blacklist?

This is nice information, good fellows of the court. However, thy does not “shitpost” in the context that thou accuse thy of. I merely claim my part in this society, with an iron hand and steadfast heart. Those whom accuse thy otherwise fail to comprehend thy.