SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

ok dad

Good sir, @MathBlade. If I hath claimed the Prince of this realm but, a lowly commoner, what would you read me as?

If thou were a lowly commoner surely it would be as thou hath whispered in my ear into my soul what thou hath’d be. I would think thou would have to do with medicinal supplies for thou hast fixed a lot of the thread

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oh god we lost math

When did you ever have me found in the first place?

Nah, he’s just FPSing as a phys

I was infected


Whoever infected you is smart


Alas, medicine? Such a profound field of study, twas a shame thy did not embark on that journey, becoming the crown Prince of the court… If thy hath, thy would sne at discord, choosing whether to be dishonest and paying attention for thy own life or to that thou the court beloves.

T’was thou opinion on such matter and ethical dilemma?

I think that your Kingdom would support a few moments of dishonesty to protect the royalty of the game Madam Prince. Just remember that a true Prince is honest if her back is against a wall. For sometimes the court knows not what it needs but only what it wants and a good Prince does what is needed not what is wanted.

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So The Prince is low key Nanny McPhee?

I generally frown on such moments of deception but sometimes they are necessary for the protection of the crown. Surely thou understands yes?

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Indeed, my good sir. Thy understands thou opinion true. Thy shall take accord for reference in future court.

I need translations.

Whom do you speakth of, noble fellow, that denounces thou status?

I’ll let Celeste handle it.

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(So basically I was asking him if we should lynch neutrals that lie about their class to support the town)

And I said keep up the lying as long as said Neutral supports the town. However if push comes to shove they come clean about it.

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(Mainly talking about Cleric and Mercenary, which is a popular scum claim but also super useful)