SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Shurian said they* sorry!

Squid mentioned but is not so sure.

But fine I am not going to jump into conclussions and beside the day is long over few hours ago so we shouldn’t talking now.

You already did assuming insanity is lab assistant.

And if anything PKR is on trial if hammered sooo

Plenty of time in the day

No he is not hammered.

So then the day is not over

10 votes. Prove me wrong.

There have been no execute or pardon votes yet lolz

There is this whole “trial” thing

Accusation votes, please Math.

Nah I am okay where my vote is.

10 accusation votes means there won’t be trial.

It takes a full majority to not have a trial yeah?

Since I am not on it trial?

I doubt PKR is EK

At least thing he did was most townie thing to do maybe he is faking town motivation but for now he is town read

His reaction felt genuine town

unlike other AtE

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PKR has shown town motivation And you guys want to hang him for trying to benefit town I am dissapointed tbh

I feel sorta bad for killing Alice :sob: :sob:


/vote PKR

Obvious Evil King.