SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

If Shurian knows they are scum. If they suspect you are town. I have my suspicions as scum what you’d be. I really think something is funny regarding you and you need pressure

Shurian was the one who caught Marcus :man_facepalming: what’s funny?

not everyone lives in same timezone as you :clap:


It’s still 6 am for east coasters :thinking:

Because leg cramp and bad dream

pffffffft I used to wake up at 6 on a daily basis

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Math I’ll say all will be revealed in time, don’t worry about it today :clap:

Mathblade dreamed of FireKitten confirmed


Ur not human >.>


Or did they? Planned bus makes some sense here. I don’t think your actions match your words and I would love some clarity around your slot to put my mind st ease

go to bed Maxi -_-


I wish I could lol

I got shit to do

Multitasking everywhere

Then go do it then go to bed

Sorry, I AM not claiming today, math I need you to wait one day, and all will be revealed and it’s glorious.


Pull an Alfa and go focus on study
Be more like your OTL

I am lol

Edit: *I am trying


Originally it was I am not claiming til Marcus does. Now it’s I am not claiming til tomorrow. Tomorrow are you gonna say in two days?

hint there’s a similar acronym that’s more well used

Yep, don’t worry math. Everything’s okay.