SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

except that’s not what my class actually does
I’m like a royal blood metal detector

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welp. no wonder u wanted evils to kill u n1. feelsbadman

HTM doesn’t have royal blood fucking gettem boys

neither does the person i was swapped to

We’ve got their backs against the walls now


Why didnt u Check baz to confirm that I used My ability


You wanna get him?

I’m infected help

you friendly cleric is here

:slight_smile: thanks

Hmmm interesting.

Marcus made a play after he was confirmed scum, but it was just a coincidence that Marcus visited the same person who died right. So that means the scum faction wanted to kill Sarun and convert someone.

My thoughts. Blue bombed an inactive red rabbit and then suicided. And things Math was killed by patient 0. We could have a werewolf game on our hands fellas so no claim is solid my dudes

Blue said tbey bombed noz.

So they were probs redirected my dude to red rabbit. Who in the right mind would kill an inactive rookie as scum? Red rabbit was not even a threat to scum and could have easily been drawn to a mislynch

Except the bomb is like a knight CS.

Which would explain why blue died if he was redirected to redrabbit

but then why rabbit die? Bomb doesn’t kill
Target player unless they are evil.

Wait no, why isn’t noz dead. Sam is right

false alert, it says you will commit suicide instead

You attack the player, and then die if they are bd. The attack is there. It is like ToL cs

But it says you will die instead if they are kingdom, implying the attack is stopped.
@MaximusPrime can you clarify?