SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Im quite salty

we are we voting sam

Okay explain why u want me to vote sam

(Im probs gonna vote him anyways despite if the answer is bad)

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we are voting him just for fun
/vote sam

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/vote sam

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You are going to be on livicus correct?

yes I am gonna die tonight from infection anyway so why not

I have to go isodive :woman_shrugging:

Rip u hjasik, what u claim

tailor and made baz royal blood


Bad boi or good boi

if I am a bad boi will you punish me?

Is at least one physican going to spawn every game?


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its said in role list

a reminder that i claim cleric, feel free to visit me for heal

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ok I am going to visit boss tonight

It’s better if you visit Livicus so I don’t have to waste a night on boss.

expect that I die from infection if I dont visit boss