SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

First of all, that’s not an answer to FK’s question. Second of all, why did you suddenly hardclaim without warning?

Who’s the idiot who wants to start a mislynch?

Oh wait I realized what you did.

Okay another question, why did you use that on Baz?

I was asked to claim by multiple people?

I asked for reads, not claims

I got a feeling he was gonna get targeted last night for a kill or convert.

Why? No one would ever target him for a kill (no offense)

Haven’t read through all of them. PKR was evil king when I last left.

You can never be too sure. Wanted to go with shurian and marl but I doubt if evils want to target them since they were active and is 70% gonna be guarded. And prince is gonna be guarded for sure. I’m just giving the other guys a chance to live.


game plan:we let him kill two suspects tonight lowering our POE greatly. @overthebin who two people would you use it on?

If I use it I will die of exhaustion. Regardless who I kill. Do we really want 3 towns dead?

Bucko, you could possibly kill one or two scum with that ability. Why are you so against it?

If I have to attack, I’ll go use it on those who started the bandwagon on me.

overbin name the people. Also that’s an invalid reason to suspect someone ngl

don’t do that

Am looking at this with great interest because I don’t have anything interesting.

But I think I was targeted for a kill last night.

Lmao. I wish it were that easy. Give me two targets and ask for their permission to die before asking me to attack.

Literally name two people. And it is indeed that easy

You guys are the one who wanted the kills not me. You name two people.

You aren’t playing FM if you are listening to everyone and their commands 100% of the time. Think for yourself.