SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Also Htm is lock town with the speed of that wagon everyone unvote please

I have a question for you. If you had to direct protectives to someone who would it be. Yourself? Why or why not. And others why or why not?

Or NK. Or a neutral in general.

Sam it’s 1 NK 1 neutral and 2 infected. Wagon speed doesn’t mean crap when you have 2 v 15, as they are only two infected to try not to wagon it.

However I want the slot modkilled if they aren’t going to be active so it doesn’t rlly matter.

How much time left? Here it says it’s already been two days

8 votes in seconds my dude. I guarantee those 2 scum are on the wagon

Sam we need an alt wagon fast

With time zones and such probability wise it’s mad unlikely for only Town it be in that wagon

Didn’t FK voted as well then it was 9 votes already

Answer my question my dude

The only modkill today will be noz’s slot if there is no replacement by the EOD…

You don’t get to decide who gets mod killed -_-

But yeah @Htm you need to post more

/vote livicus

then prod htm :thinking:

Sheep sheep

I don’t understand your question.

He’s proving Hjask tonight and I may or may not be seeing who he visits tonight

We need another one.

If you had the responsibility of allocating physicians who would you send them to. Like to heal infection and stuff

/vote Marl

To be fair, didn’t we have Cleric claim?