SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

At this point it wouldn’t be bad for squid to out because there’s two crusaders and scum will destroy them selfs even more if they try it.

no jail exing hunter claims before D4

I have CC the hunter claim, that dumb idiot

@PoisonedSquid reveal the secret so I can invite you to our town bloc

Alright, I’m the Holy Priest of the Woomys

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I regret everything I’ve done in my life

Welcome to our town bloc how does it feel

What did you do?

Tell me you never ressed anyone please

It’s obvious they didn’t.

Feels nice, better than I expected


did hunter claims bleed anyone?

I think Sam is straight up gamethrowing here, why not execute the NK?

Crusaders y’all have one job @Htm @overthebin JUST ONE JOB.

Are you saying you know who the NK is?

Honestly I bet frost is patient zero from him thinking htm is NK.

Though horrible play when y’all need deaths to happen to try to execute the NK

I am pointing out that Htm might be NK, not what Sam or FK said that I attacked htm and is immune, that theory is wrong.

except you literally can’t be hunter.

Except Sam should have said who the other hunter is - so he’s now gamethrowing.

It’s pretty obvious what’s going on ngl.