SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Execute HTM and see he flips Ifrit and maybe Sam is not idiot to execute me and lose all his axes

Tomorrow day, he better reveal the hunter claim so I can bleed him otherwise he’s confirmed third non-killing neutral and I can bleed him since he’s safe option.

Can’t we bleed them today?

Because we all know he can’t be patient zero but I have no reason to believe Sam would spare the neutral.

Because it’s straight up gamethrowing.

Actually theory

Frost infected me and can’t infect someone else.

You’re saying you are infected?

expect that hunter bleeds and infected infects

It’s still infecttion.

I claim I was infected

Okay that wasn’t me then.

doesnt it show that you were bitten by hunters wolf tho

Because it’s stupid to confirm that through infecting people.

I said that to FK last message, just for you to know.

honestly I dont trust margaret that much she isnt even participating in this discussion

It will be still described as infected and not bleeding and besides as much I can use the wolf today but I refuse to do it unless the claim shows up.

But not today, tomorrow.

if she actually claims hunter then gg we found the third non-killing neutral.

For the love of god, don’t waste a trial.

Because we’re actually not going anywhere.

11 hours remaining and by the time we get this pardoned, there’s not enough people active to vote me up or something.

it will be better to get rid of the NK that is htm.

The reason to jail him instead of me is just dumb.

And I promise you that I am not last Plaguebearer.