SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

@Shurian use it on yourself, you can undo abilties if it doesn’t affect the day

Yeah thats why I’m glad rn lol I used it on myself

25 minutes remain…



Pretty sure that’s not how it works, as trials have never added to the day counter.

/vote overthebin

Trial should end in 5 mins

/vote bin

safety first





Day has ended, stop talk.

nvm trials don’t extend day

mole is mole

@overthebin has been lynched! He was the…


The Plaguebearer :shield: :fire:

Infected Special
There Can Only Be One (Passive) - If checked by a Pathologist, you will appear as not suspicious. You have the final say on all abilities used by your teammates. As long as you are alive, all feedback from Infected abilities will be posted in the Infected chat.
Vaccination (Passive) -You are immune to infection and bleeding, and are immune to death at night.
Biological Insight (Day - At the end of the day, if your target is Kingdom, you will learn their class type. [3 Uses]
Pathogen (Day) - Infect a player with a more virulent strain of the Gor Serum, causing them to die in 2 nights time. On the night they die, you will be able to control who they target. [Infinite Uses]
Infect (Night) - Infect a player with the Gor Serum, converting them into the Infected. [Infinite Uses, 1 Night Cooldown]
Cauterize (Night) - Heal a player, preventing their death, curing infection and bleed, and occupying them for the night. [3 Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Kingdom and any Neutrals who stand in your way.

No logs were found on his body


Add Flavour Here

Night 3 has begun! Send in night actions now!


If a replacement is not found for Noz’s slot at the beginning of the day, his slot will be modkilled!

So please find a replacement!

I’m handing over hosting of this game to maximus as I’m heading to my grandfather’s funeral in New Zealand. I’ll be back in 3 days and I’ll be able to continue to host then. I should have limited access so I won’t replace out of Abyss, however, maximus is in charge now.