SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Night ends in 8 hours, send in your actions





@MaximusPrime my dude roll the night actions if you have all of them please

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sorry, i got important shit to do rn, start of day will be delayed unless luxy can do it on mobile :sob:

Maximus forewarning the longer you wait to roll the night actions and the thread the higher the chance people forget about the game and it be canned



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Hush children

Ik that Sam smh

I’ll roll the night actions when I get home


Something, something, sun rises, people found dead k day start now

Frostwolf was found dead in his room! He was the…


The Scorned :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing.
Trollbox (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the court. [2 Uses]
Frame (Night) - Frame one of your targets. They will appear as a member of the Infected to investigations tonight. [3 Uses]
Bait and Switch (Night) - Swap a player with one of your targets, redirecting all actions on one to the other. [3 Uses]
Goal: See the public execution of one of your targets for treason.

Frostwolf's Logs

“Ave maria
Heaven bride
The bells ring out in solemn praise
For you the anguish and the pride
The living glory of our nights
Of our nights and days.
The Prince of Peace your arms embrace
While hosts of darkness fade and cower
Oh, save us Mother full of grace
In life and in our dying hour
Ave Maria”

Shurian was found dead in his room! He was the…


The Magician

Kingdom Offensive
Focused (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Earth Barrier (Day) - Your target player will have all visits prevented on them tonight. [1 Uses, Can Target Self]
Mind Trick (Night) - Force two players to target each other. [Infinite Uses]
Tornado (Night) - Swap the position of two players, causing all players who target your first target to target the second and vice versa. [3 Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Infected and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm

Shurian's Logs

Shu the Magix
N1) Swap Math+Alice
N2) Swap Myself with Redrabbit
N3) Mind Bazinga+Marl
N4) Mind FrostWolf- Firekitten

PoisonedSquid was found dead in her room! She was the…


The Priest :shield:

Kingdom Support
Devoted (Passive) - You are immune to death, once.
Call The Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Bind Soul (Day) - Give someone one-shot death immunity, this lasts until you die. [1 Use]
Revive (Night) - The target dead Kingdom player will be brought back to life. [1 Use]
Clear Mind (Night) - Target a player, if they are an investigative class they will recieve correct feedback tonight. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Infected and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.

PoisonedSquid's Logs

The Holy Priest of the Woomys is here!
Night 1:Clear Mind Noz
Day 2: Soul Bind Sam
Night 2:Clear Mind GamerPoke (Alice wants to be rezzed, but I’ll save it in case Prince dies)
Night 3:Rez Math (Oh boy, I lave a lot of info, so here we go: Math is actually the Prince that died to the Ifrit or Possessor whose logs got erased, therefore I’m rezzing him tonight. According to him, Sam and Marl are scum (Hey, at least I’m right about Marl being scum) Possibly, Celeste is scum for claiming Phys then Neutral :/) - I got redirected so I couldn’t revive?!

Day ends in 72 hours or when a lynch occurs

Due to only 7 people being alive, the majority is 4.

My dudes frost! You must pay for your sins. Before any of you question me. I bled frost d2 or d3 don’t remember the specifics and that is how he died so your welcome you had neut frost

My dude, squid why would you not revive someone when you lost your death immunity. Unless… something bypassed your immunity?

@Marluxion @bazingaboy @Emilia @margaret @Kirefitten @nerbins day start

I made this d3. Since I hard claimed prince I expected to be jailed.


So princey dude thanks for the open welcome. Now let me explain the deal ok? I am hunter I infected frost for the purpose of proving myself. They are infected (like bleeding). Now before anyone gets rash as scum it would be suicidal for scum to claim prince and get executed. So my thought was I claim prince. Attract all this attention. Bait some attackers and kill them through my bears. While at the same time! The real prince claims hunter. Bears 3 nights in a row. Which basically confirms his life for 3 nights. And you can live peacefully make all the noice you want (calling people out as scum) and stuff.

So here are the cons though. The one huge con is that am I actually hunter.

  • Well I bled someone for the purpose of proving myself
  • Claimed prince for taking the bullet and stuff
  • Do I trust this guy though?
    Also my strategy for the first few days was to stay mad low key so to keep my bears for the late game. Probs going to bear 4-6 didn’t bear 1-2 because who is idiotic enough to attack me right? 3 I was jailed. So down to kill some people.

Still with that in mind from your point of view there is still the chance I am scum fake claiming. There is a minimal chance yet, but would a scum Sam17z actually risk his life for that, if the answer is no share your name and follow the plan above. If your answer is yes then think about it more.

  • Upside prince lives mad amounts
  • With this in mind prince can talk freely
  • I the hunter kills scumbags who tried to attack me (the fake prince)
  • Prince can jail and execute all non hunter claims and if they flip hunter (which they won’t) you can execute me.

This was kindve my plot, but it failed though as you guys know

/vote Marluxion let’s see why mathblade thinks he is scum

This actually makes sense tbh cause Wazza told us you had 3 abilties

How many players do we have left?

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Also I hate you shurian.

hm i wonder

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With 7 players alive, majority is 4.

Accused Voters Count
Marluxion Sam 1/4